Friday, September 6, 2013

Learning to say Goodbye

Getting ready to say goodbye...

  I think it hit me sometime in the middle of the night.  I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and get some water and I looked at my home and realized...  This isn't my house anymore.

  Even this morning at Coffee break I realized, in 2 weeks I probably won't talk to many of these people ever again...

  I look outside the window and see the fall colors starting to change here in Calgary, and realize that this city has been very much home for me for most of my life.  Yes, we lived in Madden from 1990-1996, but all the same we were only 45 mins out of town.  Calgary has always been very much a part of my life.

  We were also extremely blessed to have a beautiful house when by all rights, every bank would have been justified in laughing us off.  And God has certainly watched over us as at times, we had made bad financial decisions.  There were times when we treaded water and I would go to bed stressed...

   So there are literally 12 days left until we move and I feel quite alot of thoughtful reflection filling my thoughts and my heart now.  Not too unlike the time when I turned 18 and I had to find my own job and everything in my life was getting turned upside down... no more school, no more dependency on my parents...

   I realize this is a new season in our family's life.  We're going to a new province.  For Jana it will be going home.  For Cassidy, well she probably won't know much of what's going on, but she's excited to be close to her grandparents.  She adores her grandfather and that is also a big factor in why we're moving.

  But still... it's a new season and so much change is coming.  New job, new culture, new lifestyle...  That scares me sometimes.  I wonder if I was crazy in making a decision to do this.

And then I remember... 

Ephesians 1:11... the One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will..

Romans 8:28 Now we are aware that God is working all together for the good of those who are loving God, who are called according to the purpose

2 Corinthians 5:18 Yet all is of God, Who conciliates us to Himself through Christ, and is giving us the dispensation of the conciliation,

  And I can rest assured that even the very decisions we make are of Him and in His hands.

Psalms 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God...

Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart, it devises his way, Yet Yahweh, He establishes his steps.

  This is meant to be, and for whatever purposes.  For good or evil, I can be certain it is always always for our benefit.

Praise God,


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